Pikillacta ruins


Pikillacta site is Located near the village of Huacarpay, overlooking Laguna de Huacarpay.
The archaeological site is located about 30 km East and South of Cusco, along Cuso-Puna road.

What is here

Pikillacta is one of many archaeological sites located in the “Southern Cusco Valley”. What makes this site significant is that the Pikillacta or Pikillaqta was a fortified town or village of the pre-Inca Wari people. The site was occupied from about 550 to 1100AD. The city is believed to be incomplete at the time it was abandoned. The ruins were discovered by Luis Valcarcel discovered in 1927, but major excavations and research were done by Gordon McEwan who led three major expeditions in 1978-79, 1981-82 and 1989-90.

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